- Dressing up. This was by far my favorite rainy day activity when I was a kid. I'd go over my mom's closet and try out fancy dresses, accessories (she even had a wig!). My own kids these days love to create their own customs, recycling old clothes to make capes and other fun accessories.
- Cooking. Nothing warms up a house on a rainy day like the smell of banana bread baking in the oven. This is such an easy recipe and even little toddlers can help mush the bananas. (My favorite recipe is below!)
- Playing board games. This obviously gets more interesting the older your kids, but there are lots of games out there that are suitable for toddlers and young preschoolers. (Candyland is an easy one for all ages)
- Playing store/supermarket. I used to get my grandma's whole pantry out on the table, price each item and have my sister shop with pretend bills we'd make. This can also be done with office supplies or any other areas of your house. (yes, it is messy but fun).
- Go "swimming" (in the bathtub). Bring on the bubbles and any waterproof toys and you'll easily "buy" an hour or even more.
- Art/painting/drawing
- Making playdough (favorite recipe below). We love making playdough at home. Just one tip... keep it to one color only (or else it will end up all mixed up into a poop-colored-mess at the end of the day).
- Singing/dancing competition (or party)
- Nail salon/beauty salon. For kids that won't do it to themselves... have them do it to you! (get micellar water ready...)
- Toy car racing/trains (and build your own obstacle course).
- Building blocks (with a more specific idea in mind)
- Creating superhero masks and coming up with a story/comic book for the made-up superhero
- Science experiments. Some of our favorites are making a homemade bubble solution (with your own creative wand), make your own tornado, and these fun colors and vinegar experiment.
- Building a fort. Repurpose boxes, decorate them and use different materials you may find in your recycling bin.
- Going pretend "camping" in the living room (with flashlights, sleeping bags, etc.)
Our #1 tip to keep kids entertained at home on a rainy day
Create a schedule at the beginning of the day, write it down and walk your kids through it. As time passes, mark the completed activities (just like they do at school).
Bonus rainy day activity tips:
Don't be afraid to go out- with the appropriate gear, outside play can be completely doable. (Unless you're sheltering from a hurricane or snowstorm, of course).
2 of our favorite (silly but fun) rainy day activities outside the house are:
14. Water puddle jumping
15. How many snails can you find?